Freymond-Guth Fine Arts has invited 5 gallery artists to develop site specific projects for the lower ground floor at Karameikou 28. The projects are meant to integrate into the given architecture and history of the building rather than being an arbitrary presentation of work in an anonymous exhibition.
Beside of these projects, Stefan Burger will organize a show with the title ‘All around zero. A small celebration of loss’.
The exhibition ‘All around zero – a small celebration of loss’ is situated in an environment between an incessantly swelling global art production and a drastic shrinking process of the Kerameikos district.
The exhibition project assembles current artistic methods as well as some curiosities who all try to name a vague or precise condition between existence and non-existence.
Different approaches of volatility and of dissolution as a phenomenological event are being pursued. The approaches reach from a romantic attribution of disappearance, to coincidental moments of erosion and dematerialization, to the use of emptiness motivated by institutional critique.

Roman Signer, Sprengkiste, 1984, Mixed Media, Courtesy of the artist and private collection

Agnieszka Polska, The Forgetting of Proper Names, 2009, animated film, filmstill, Courtesy of the artist, ZAK | Branicka

Loredana Sperini, E invece non finische mai, 2010, Wax, mirror in plexi bell, 22x51x54 cm

Loredana Sperini, Untitled, 2011, Porcelain, paint, 20.7x6x1 cm

Yorgos Sapountzis, Bike No.5 (Symmetry), 2011, Cloth, aluminium tubes, alu-tape, colour, 118×97.5×19 cm

Yorgos Sapountzis, The Door The Gates, Performance Kunsthaus Zurich, 2011

Tanja Roscic, Untitled (Cat Pain 28), 2011, Oil, acrylic, pen, felt pen on paper and cardboard, 25.3×35.8 cm

Tanja Roscic, Untitled, 2011, Installation, various materials, 330x480x230 cm, Installation view Independent 2011, NY, USA

Virginia Overton, 16 Mudflap girls (360°), 2011, Adhesive vinyl, 137×2365 cm

Thomas Adank, Illusion, 2011, videostill

Stefan Burger, Spider hiding behind Seth Price’s “Hot to disappear in America”, 2011, Lambda Print

Marc Bauer, Rabbit 2, 2006, Pencil and lithographic pen on paper, 32×45 cm

Marc Bauer, History of Masculinity III, Installation view Attitudes, 2007, Geneva, Switzerland
Thomas Adank, AG Retrograde Strategien, Marc Bauer, Rosemary Brown, Stefan Burger, Simon Dybbroe Moeller, Ohio, Virginia Overton, Agnieszka Polska, David Renggli, Tanja Roscic, Yorgos Sapountzis, Roman Signer, Loredana Sperini
28 Kerameikou, ground floor
+41 44 2400481
Brauerstrasse 51 CH 8004 Zurich, Switzerland
Freymond- Guth Fine Arts
Thomas Adank, AG Retrograde Strategien, Marc Bauer, Rosemary Brown, Stefan Burger, Simon Dybbroe Moeller, Ohio, Virginia Overton, Agnieszka Polska, David Renggli, Tanja Roscic, Yorgos Sapountzis, Roman Signer, Loredana Sperini
& "All around zero. A small celebration of loss" orginized by Stefan Burger
Freymond-Guth Fine Arts has invited 5 gallery artists to develop site specific projects for the lower ground floor at Karameikou 28. The projects are meant to integrate into the given architecture and history of the building rather than being an arbitrary presentation of work in an anonymous exhibition.
Beside of these projects, Stefan Burger will organize a show with the title ‘All around zero. A small celebration of loss’.
The exhibition ‘All around zero – a small celebration of loss’ is situated in an environment between an incessantly swelling global art production and a drastic shrinking process of the Kerameikos district.
The exhibition project assembles current artistic methods as well as some curiosities who all try to name a vague or precise condition between existence and non-existence.
Different approaches of volatility and of dissolution as a phenomenological event are being pursued. The approaches reach from a romantic attribution of disappearance, to coincidental moments of erosion and dematerialization, to the use of emptiness motivated by institutional critique.
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