The exhibition titled Stranger in a Strange Land is an international group show operating as an archeology of the future. Borrowing its title from the science fiction novel by American author Robert A. Heinlein that explores the interaction with—and the eventual transformation of—Earth culture, the show is creating an illusionary atmosphere between past present and future. The show is reacting to the area of Kerameikos referring to it’s ancient uses as the city of Athens cemetery and the ancient pottery and ceramics workshops, but also to it s present as the historical center of the city trying to find it s new identity. Antouanetta Aggelidi’s IDEES FIXES film from 1977 starts with an almost still image of the cemetery of Paris and continues with a surrealistic narrative, while Theo Micheal’s vitrines contain different found and made objects as an archeological excavation in a timeless field. Selg’ s films and prints with their world wide cultural influences and apocalyptic imagery, poetic and theatrical are meeting with Tjorg Douglas Beer’s installations in which he mixes ceramics cast from sick/pale looking children, shop window puppets that he paints and combines with contemporary materials like clothes and weapons. Representatives of a stagnated youth movement and utopic way of thinking they blend with Alexandros Tzannis retro-futuristic drawings, primitive ceramic forms and neon lights leading us into a journey through time and memories.

Antoinetta Angelidi, Idees Fixes, 1977, still 3

Antoinetta Angelidi, Idees Fixes, 1977, still 2

Antoinetta Angelidi, Idees Fixes, 1977, still 1

Markus Selg, Storrada, HD, 23min, 2011

Markus Selg, Storrada, HD, 23min, 2011

Markus Selg, Storrada, HD, 23min, 2011

Markus Selg, Storrada, HD, 23min, 2011

Tjorg Douglas Beer, Princess Utopia (Future Islands) VG Bildkunst 2011

Tjorg Douglas Beer, Not a Man with a Mind – just a Dog with a Flag 2011, VG Bildkunst 2011

Tjorg Douglas Beer, Princess Utopia(Crowd) 2011, VG Bildkunst 2011

Theo Michael, Revolution of Doubt, 2009, Various materials, H: 100cm, D: 90cm W: 90cm, 130 x 190 x 190 cm with plinth

Theo Michael, Revolution of Doubt, 2009, Various materials, H: 100cm, D: 90cm W: 90cm, 130 x 190 x 190 cm with plinth

Theo Michael, Revolution of Doubt, 2009, Various materials, H: 100cm, D: 90cm W: 90cm, 130 x 190 x 190 cm with plinth

Alexandros Tzannis, Instalation view ATHENS BIENALLE 2, 2009, variable dimensions, courtesy The Breeder

Alexandros Tzannis, God is a UFO, 2009, 280×150, The Breeder

Alexandros Tzannis, Untitled, 2010, 160×120, private collection, Athens

Alexandros Tzannis, When the Moon looked down and laught., 2009, 2.20×150, The Breeder
Antoinetta Angelidi, Tjorg Douglas Beer, Theo Michael, Markus Selg, Alexandros Tzannis
28 Giatrakou, 1st floor
+30 6945906115
Stranger in a Strange Land
Αn invitation by Alexandros Tzannis in collaboration with Galerie Utopia
The exhibition titled Stranger in a Strange Land is an international group show operating as an archeology of the future. Borrowing its title from the science fiction novel by American author Robert A. Heinlein that explores the interaction with—and the eventual transformation of—Earth culture, the show is creating an illusionary atmosphere between past present and future. The show is reacting to the area of Kerameikos referring to it’s ancient uses as the city of Athens cemetery and the ancient pottery and ceramics workshops, but also to it s present as the historical center of the city trying to find it s new identity. Antouanetta Aggelidi’s IDEES FIXES film from 1977 starts with an almost still image of the cemetery of Paris and continues with a surrealistic narrative, while Theo Micheal’s vitrines contain different found and made objects as an archeological excavation in a timeless field. Selg’ s films and prints with their world wide cultural influences and apocalyptic imagery, poetic and theatrical are meeting with Tjorg Douglas Beer’s installations in which he mixes ceramics cast from sick/pale looking children, shop window puppets that he paints and combines with contemporary materials like clothes and weapons. Representatives of a stagnated youth movement and utopic way of thinking they blend with Alexandros Tzannis retro-futuristic drawings, primitive ceramic forms and neon lights leading us into a journey through time and memories.
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