Iliana Fokianaki and ArtHub Athens present
On the Balcony
Dafni Barbageorgopoulou, Doug Fishbone, Assaf Gruber, Katerina Kana, Theo Prodromidis, Alexandros Psychoulis.
Balconies are an outdoors extension of a floor. They are normally closed up to a certain hight and made of a solid or see-through surface. Their origin is found as early as ancient Greece and Italy, but there is a flourish of their use throughout the centuries in Europe and Asia.
Six artists are invited to present, display, address and demonstrate their view on the balcony either it is through sculpture, poetry, photography, installation or…serenades.
The global use of the balcony is the first attractive element that is inspiring for this group exhibition, especially in relation to the globality of the neighbourhood of KM, that is inhabited by several nationalities.
Another very interesting aspect of the use of balconies is their use as an area for its owner to display its position or viewpoint. In villages in the period of Easter, housewives displayed a red cloth to inform passer-by’s they are dying eggs. In national holidays Greeks display the Greek flag to show their national pride, and in football matches their team’s flag to show their joy for the win. In the greek language “i am standing on a balcony” translates to i am running for a candidate in politics.
In this year’s Remap -that is in its own right a walk in the historical centre of Athens- the viewer is asked to walk through the area in order to discover and track works of art displayed in balconies or windows of buildings, all around the area of KM. The works that are placed above the eye level, are “displayed” in a balcony to be “exhibited” to their audience, to “address” their audience, therefore due to their position, they obtains a somewhat “godlike” status. The position of the viewer on street level and that of the work of art a few metres above ground, is possibly creating what Kant called the sublime.
Especially during this time that Greece is in an intense political and economical situation, the notions of “display”, “exhibition” “position” that the balcony offers, are even more relevant. What do we choose to “exhibit” “display” or “support” today? Possibly works of art are one of the few that are left.
PERFORMANCE times and locations
Leonidou 9 (Rebecca Camhi Gallery) Theo Prodromidis performance opening night performance Nalyssa Green at 8pm
Monday 12/9 (opening night) Nalyssa Green @ 8pm
Friday 23/9 Moloch Merkin @ 7.00pm
Friday 30/9 Bazooka @ 7.00pmfurther bands t.b.c.
Friday 7/10 @ 7.00pm
Friday 21/10 @ 7.00pm
Saturday 29/10 @ 7.00pmThe invitation to six athens-based bands to perform a disruption of the everyday aesthetic experience of this street in Kerameikos, on the facarde of a neoclassical house turned into a gallery, introduces an action bound with Mediterranean traditions and mythical love stories, that of the serenade, but reversed in its dynamic, from the balcony to the street.
Leonidou 25 -Katerina Kana. Artist and resident of the area Katerina’s poem will be heard from her own windows (3rd floor) in various times throughout Remap’s duration.
Other locations
Leonidou 15 – Alexandros Psychoulis (“nest” sculptures 1st floor balcony facing Leonidou street)
Leonidou 38 – Assaf Gruber (“Home Alone” sculpture please view through second floor access)
Giatrakou 28 – Doug Fishbone (photograph)
Iassonos 26 – Dafni Eleonora Barbageorgopoulou (sculptural installation)
The exhibition is curated by iLiana Fokianaki
ArtHub is a non-profit centre that aims to create a bridge between the Athens contemporary art scene and the rest of the world of contemporary art.
Towards that aim we will be focusing mainly on:Inviting foreign artists, curators and critics to visit and familiarize with the Athens art scene, give lectures and organize workshops. Helping young Greek artists create a CV, form a portfolio and advising them towards their future goals. Present the work of young artists from all over the globe to the greek audience.
Special thanks to Rebecca Camhi, Kostas Sahpazis, Alexandros Tzannis, Yolanda Markopoulou and RemapKM for kindly “lending” their balconies and for their general help.
Thank you to
for providing us with material for the show

Dafni Barbageorgopoulou, Doug Fishbone, Assaf Gruber, Katerina Kana, Theo Prodromidis, Alexandros Psychoulis
38 Leonidou, 9 Leonidou, 15 Leonidou, 26 Iassonos, 28 Giatrakou, 25 Leonidou (balconies)
+30 6945 472694
Tsami Karatasou 3 Acropolis, Athens, 11742, Greece
Iliana Fokianaki
On the balcony
Iliana Fokianaki and ArtHub Athens present
On the Balcony
Dafni Barbageorgopoulou, Doug Fishbone, Assaf Gruber, Katerina Kana, Theo Prodromidis, Alexandros Psychoulis.
Balconies are an outdoors extension of a floor. They are normally closed up to a certain hight and made of a solid or see-through surface. Their origin is found as early as ancient Greece and Italy, but there is a flourish of their use throughout the centuries in Europe and Asia.
Six artists are invited to present, display, address and demonstrate their view on the balcony either it is through sculpture, poetry, photography, installation or…serenades.
The global use of the balcony is the first attractive element that is inspiring for this group exhibition, especially in relation to the globality of the neighbourhood of KM, that is inhabited by several nationalities.
Another very interesting aspect of the use of balconies is their use as an area for its owner to display its position or viewpoint. In villages in the period of Easter, housewives displayed a red cloth to inform passer-by’s they are dying eggs. In national holidays Greeks display the Greek flag to show their national pride, and in football matches their team’s flag to show their joy for the win. In the greek language “i am standing on a balcony” translates to i am running for a candidate in politics.
In this year’s Remap -that is in its own right a walk in the historical centre of Athens- the viewer is asked to walk through the area in order to discover and track works of art displayed in balconies or windows of buildings, all around the area of KM. The works that are placed above the eye level, are “displayed” in a balcony to be “exhibited” to their audience, to “address” their audience, therefore due to their position, they obtains a somewhat “godlike” status. The position of the viewer on street level and that of the work of art a few metres above ground, is possibly creating what Kant called the sublime.
Especially during this time that Greece is in an intense political and economical situation, the notions of “display”, “exhibition” “position” that the balcony offers, are even more relevant. What do we choose to “exhibit” “display” or “support” today? Possibly works of art are one of the few that are left.
PERFORMANCE times and locations
Leonidou 9 (Rebecca Camhi Gallery) Theo Prodromidis performance opening night performance Nalyssa Green at 8pm
Monday 12/9 (opening night) Nalyssa Green @ 8pm
Friday 23/9 Moloch Merkin @ 7.00pm
Friday 30/9 Bazooka @ 7.00pm
further bands t.b.c.
Friday 7/10 @ 7.00pm
Friday 21/10 @ 7.00pm
Saturday 29/10 @ 7.00pm
The invitation to six athens-based bands to perform a disruption of the everyday aesthetic experience of this street in Kerameikos, on the facarde of a neoclassical house turned into a gallery, introduces an action bound with Mediterranean traditions and mythical love stories, that of the serenade, but reversed in its dynamic, from the balcony to the street.
Leonidou 25 -Katerina Kana. Artist and resident of the area Katerina’s poem will be heard from her own windows (3rd floor) in various times throughout Remap’s duration.
Other locations
Leonidou 15 – Alexandros Psychoulis (“nest” sculptures 1st floor balcony facing Leonidou street)
Leonidou 38 – Assaf Gruber (“Home Alone” sculpture please view through second floor access)
Giatrakou 28 – Doug Fishbone (photograph)
Iassonos 26 – Dafni Eleonora Barbageorgopoulou (sculptural installation)
The exhibition is curated by iLiana Fokianaki
ArtHub is a non-profit centre that aims to create a bridge between the Athens contemporary art scene and the rest of the world of contemporary art.
Towards that aim we will be focusing mainly on:
Inviting foreign artists, curators and critics to visit and familiarize with the Athens art scene, give lectures and organize workshops. Helping young Greek artists create a CV, form a portfolio and advising them towards their future goals. Present the work of young artists from all over the globe to the greek audience.
Special thanks to Rebecca Camhi, Kostas Sahpazis, Alexandros Tzannis, Yolanda Markopoulou and RemapKM for kindly “lending” their balconies and for their general help.
Thank you to
for providing us with material for the show
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