Sexuality is always there. In-between your half open legs. A vertical arrow. It pulls you towards earth like a bob. It screams to you “here, here, wherever you go you will always be here”, tied to the soil like a balloon that attempts to snap off. It’s your first instinct; your only instinct.
Outside, tourists are lost in the backstreets. Open maps, sex with the city, the harlot city. You pay the city to make it your own.
The lights outside the ‘houses’ are not red. They are white. In daylight they do not stand out much. In daylight love and sex do not stand out much. The groans are alike.
Bordellos resemble train stations; full of carriages. You come and unload all that weighs you down. The carriages crackle. Trains pass by. Boys pass by. Some of them, you long for, you get off with them, yet, you do not reveal this. Never reveal that you want them. Never think they may want you back.
Customer. You will feel comfortable here at Bordello Nacional. There is immunity to the idea of failure and this, oddly, is similar to the world we live in. You cannot disappoint anyone. The laws of order exist but do not be alarmed, they are weakened. The setting in each room is disturbed. The atmosphere sticks to your skin like sweat, like a secretion, it penetrates your conscience, it nestles deeper than any other (hyper-) stimulation. You love it for what it is. Cheap. Primitive. A setting for people-clients. Balloon-people.
Come as you do. Sex lasts twenty minutes. Against the familiar wall. At Iassonos Street. In the phallic building with the best view of the Temple of the Virgin Goddess.
Marina Vranopoulou
About Poka-Yio
Poka-Yio is a visual artist. He is also a contemporary art curator, member of the XYZ curatorial trio and the co-artistic director of the Athens Biennale. His work examines the attraction/repulsion bipolarity and its transfer from the sphere of personal to the political.About Marina Vranopoulou
Marina Vranopoulou is an art historian, a PhD Research Candidate for Goldsmiths College in London, the Project Coordinator of DESTE Foundation’s Project Space Τhe Slaughterhouse in Hydra, and the Curator of the What is to Be Done? program at the Cycladic Museum.About XYZ Outlet
XYZ Outlet is part of the wider practice of the curatorial team XYZ, composed of Poka-Yio, Xenia Kalpaktsoglou and Augustine Zenakos.
During its twelve months of existence and through a rolling bi-weekly program, it operates as an “anxiety indicator” and as an “outlet” for depositing views in relation to exhibition production and artistic practice.

ΧΥΖ Outlet: Poka-Yio: “Bordello Nacional”, Curated by: Marina Vranopoulou
Poka-Yio plus invited guests
47 Iasonos str.
Elina Kakourou
Telephone: +30 6978696342
Email: officepokayio@gmail.com
8 Perdika & Achileos, Metaxourgeio, 104 36, Athens
xyz outlet
Poka-Yio: “Bordello Nacional”
Curated by Marina Vranopoulou
Sexuality is always there. In-between your half open legs. A vertical arrow. It pulls you towards earth like a bob. It screams to you “here, here, wherever you go you will always be here”, tied to the soil like a balloon that attempts to snap off. It’s your first instinct; your only instinct.
Outside, tourists are lost in the backstreets. Open maps, sex with the city, the harlot city. You pay the city to make it your own.
The lights outside the ‘houses’ are not red. They are white. In daylight they do not stand out much. In daylight love and sex do not stand out much. The groans are alike.
Bordellos resemble train stations; full of carriages. You come and unload all that weighs you down. The carriages crackle. Trains pass by. Boys pass by. Some of them, you long for, you get off with them, yet, you do not reveal this. Never reveal that you want them. Never think they may want you back.
Customer. You will feel comfortable here at Bordello Nacional. There is immunity to the idea of failure and this, oddly, is similar to the world we live in. You cannot disappoint anyone. The laws of order exist but do not be alarmed, they are weakened. The setting in each room is disturbed. The atmosphere sticks to your skin like sweat, like a secretion, it penetrates your conscience, it nestles deeper than any other (hyper-) stimulation. You love it for what it is. Cheap. Primitive. A setting for people-clients. Balloon-people.
Come as you do. Sex lasts twenty minutes. Against the familiar wall. At Iassonos Street. In the phallic building with the best view of the Temple of the Virgin Goddess.
Marina Vranopoulou
About Poka-Yio
Poka-Yio is a visual artist. He is also a contemporary art curator, member of the XYZ curatorial trio and the co-artistic director of the Athens Biennale. His work examines the attraction/repulsion bipolarity and its transfer from the sphere of personal to the political.
About Marina Vranopoulou
Marina Vranopoulou is an art historian, a PhD Research Candidate for Goldsmiths College in London, the Project Coordinator of DESTE Foundation’s Project Space Τhe Slaughterhouse in Hydra, and the Curator of the What is to Be Done? program at the Cycladic Museum.
About XYZ Outlet
XYZ Outlet is part of the wider practice of the curatorial team XYZ, composed of Poka-Yio, Xenia Kalpaktsoglou and Augustine Zenakos.
During its twelve months of existence and through a rolling bi-weekly program, it operates as an “anxiety indicator” and as an “outlet” for depositing views in relation to exhibition production and artistic practice.
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